Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Can i win ur heart ♥ ♥ ♥

It's so sudden that i feel wanna update my blog...maybe it always come to my mind when i need to express my feeling out...

How come everything seem to be change ?
I can't feel it anymore ?
What should i do to win your heart ?
Should i wait for u ?
Should i give up ?
Or maybe we just be friend ?

Let god decide it. I will just let god decide cause i believe that god will let the right person to stay with me. Even i know i might lost you, but what else can i do, i will just support you and accept what ever that gonna happen.

I know is time for me to learn how to tolerate with others, even i know how u going to treat me i also will just pretend don know what's happening. But what i hope that there's someone that can understand and support me.

Should i tell u the truth ?? What will happen after i tell u everything ? Will u listen to me ? I think all gonna be useless cause u will never understand how i feel.

I still remember what did u tell me before u came here. But now I'm going to erase all the sweet memory, cause i believe that is the trick how u treat girl. I really hope we meet before u came here, but everything seem to be happen already. So what can i do is just appreciate what ever i have now and the time we spent together.

I hope one day u will open up your eye and see the truth, but then my heart feel pain when i think the day u realize gonna be too late and i don wan u to get hurt again...i know how much u have been suffer last time, but sometimes i also feel that u still can't forget that girl..hahaha..a bit funny cause so sudden i feel everything become so complicated.

Lastly, darling i really hope that we will get a change to know each other.