Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Element of Water~~

The Element Water

Water is emotion.

It feels, it dreams, it nurtures the heart.

It refreshes, it cools, it is wet, fluid, heavy and mysterious,taking the shape of whatever contains it.

Water is the food of life, and essential for life, for all things arose from the sea. It quenches the thirst of the earth made barren by fire and air.

Water is serenity. It is blue, clear and passive, yet seeps through the cracks of our defenses. It flows with our mood, and cannot be held, for it slips through the hands. It is the swift current of a brooding storm, the heavy foam riding rough on the tides of the ocean. It can erode and drown.

Yet too it is the gentleness of ripples on a crystal pool.It moves, it ebbs, it flows, it cleanses, it soothes.

It is the brilliance of the Holy Grail, held high and overflowing with love, or suddenly upturned to suffocate with tears. It is the cry of joy or the sob of heartbreak.

"Tread carefully with your heart, for you dare to tread on Water"

Water is dusk – the sun, shaded in the west and the silver, liquid moon climbing slowly to claim a darkening sky of shadows.

It is autumn – the trembling of the leaves as the summer mood passes.

Water is Maturity , the Sister of Feeling. It changes. It adapts.

It is the jaded blue of depression, and the subtle, passive hue of contentment. It is our astral being. It shapes our thoughts, yet thoughts can shape it. It is tossed and inspired by the winds of air, absorbed in the fullness of earth, yet in storm it threatens to drown the Spirit, the energy, the desire for life.

For it spits in the face of fire.

Only water can bring the sanctity of true love, the balance of harmony. It is deceptive, subtle and elusive. It has force and power, rhythm and cycle, charity and compassion. It is the hazy mirror of the subconscious instincts of our past, and our conscious needs for the future.

Water is the secret murmur of our heart, and the gentle reflection of the Spirit in manifestation.

Water within us

Emotions are strange and unaccountable just like water. They "rise up" within us, often unbidden, take no account of reason or thought and, without control, can lead us into trauma and confusion.

Many times a person will say "I know the logic of it, but in reality it is a different matter". When we are hurt we often cry. When we are happy we often cry, and unless we can contain our emotions, we can swamp ourselves and others with our tears.

Water itself needs to be contained if it is not to run unchecked and wasted.

Watch the movement of water as it cascades, crystal and clear over the rocks of a waterfall, then compare it with the limpid stillness of a glade side pool, and how both these things may be expressed within your own nature.Run water from a tap and feel its coolness slipping through your fingers, then see if you can pick it up in your hands.

Imagine what would happen if a dam broke its walls, or the rivers dried up and the monsoon never came.

All this can be compared with the feelings within us, tranquil and gentle as the stillness of a pool, or raging and as uncontrolled as the mighty rollers of a storm tossed sea.

Water is the great purifier, it cleanses and washes away disorder and dirt, just as the higher emotion of love can cleanse and revitalise our inner being.

Water is not light and bright like Air, for that is flirtation, and it is not the heat of Fire, for that is desire.

It is soft, limpid,malleable, and can easily be contained or overturned by the touch of love. Thoughts can ripple the waves of water, or whip it up into a storm.

Our Spirit of enthusiasm can be severely dampened by uncontained emotion, but Earth and the stability within us is revived and enriched by the cool and gentle refreshment of rain.

How emotional are you? Can you contain your feelings so they enrich your nature, and nourish and revive those around you? Or are you over reactive, quick to take insult, or maybe immobilized by irrational fears? What do joy and sorrow mean to you?

Dare you let yourself really love?

When you have lost your way

Walk out along the seashore, swim in a limpid pool, or take a shower and feel it flushing away your troubles.

It is cleansing and restful.

Relax, and imagine the joy of being able to allow your feelings to flow through you unrestricted by fear.

Nobody can really have your love unless you truely love yourself.

Water is about tranquility, gentleness and compassion, the blossoming of an open heart.

It is about love, and above all the love of giving for its' own sake, and without conditions.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Money Money Money.....

Without money u can't live in this world.........i really don know why ??? i hate the life without money....everyday i suffer because of a day we have scientist to create new thing why don they create a world that live without money..........our life will be longer without the maony matter.........i have so many dept with my friends........after some incidents happen....maybe this is a lesson from god to punish me because i always waste my parents money...but did i ?? Or god wan me to become more stronger as i'm growing to face the reality of the world..........haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~When only i can paid all the dept ?? huh~~~~~~ i think every night until i hate all my friends please forgive me if i count everything even a single cent cause i really suffer with the life now.....i wan to earn money.....spent my own money...

**To my highest god, to night i pray to you to get bless from u...
I hope my family and friends always stay healthy and happy
I hope everything smooth in my study ( get more more inspiration on it)
I hope i can find out a way to earn part time income for myself...
I hope my daddy business will improve so he can give me tips..hahaha
I hope i can settle my dept as soon as possible b4 i when back my hometown
I hope i will meet my future man.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Photos is here~~~~

yuhuu~~~arrive Sentosa Island

Lianhwa and Yvonne...
The Merlion

OMG see my eye.....huhuhuhuhuhuu......


yo~~time for racing
prepare..ready and go>>>>>>

Singapore Trip...

yuhuu~~so happening in Singapore...hahaha...
First day,
went to Ion Orchard shopping mall (get inspiration about the design on it) then after finish shopping go Chinese and Japanese many tiny sculpture about China's building.

Second day,
went to Sentosa Island...the most memorable about Sentosa Island is the "Song Of The Sea" is SO FANTASTIC.....i love that show...with combination of two element (Water and Light).

Third day, excited, went to City Hall shopping mall... look here and there... nothing to buy then move on to China Souvenir for friends and myself..haha...went home to wait for my cousin come back to bring us eat first we plan to eat France's cuisine but then the restaurant are close so we go for Japanese's cuisine...hehehe Salmon can't be miss out and Sashimi....we ate so much but then we still can eat Ice-Cream....hahahahaha.....the ice cream is so time will try to look for it in Malaysia.

Last day,
sobsob....said good bye to my aunt, uncle, cousin and their servant....thanks for letting us stay for that few day and we really appreciated it....after all days long we know how to take bus and MRT to where ever we wan, it's so easy and convenient...963 bus to Vivocity and Habourfront center...176 to Bukit Batok MRT Central...hahaha..that's all what i know....another funny thing is the last day after i return the bus and MRT card to my aunt, i need to pay cash to take bus to the bus terminal, i don know how much is it so i just put $3 sing dollar then the uncle scold me ask why i put $3 so much and the cost is only $1.9 sing dollar. huh~~~ reach Habourfront center is about 2 pm.......while waiting our bus 3.30pm comes we do some shopping hhahaa..that's my hobby...hehehe....blew~~~~~5 hour in bus...arrive kl.....around 10.30pm reach home sweet home.....

beside thing is expensive, everything is nice and beautiful...i do look on their building construction... as everyone know Singapore is a small Country, most of the building are high rise building including the place where their stay, most of them stay in condo and those who effort to buy land with houses in Singapore are rich people....I do like Singapore's food so much because there have a lots of variety and tasteful..beside that Singapore's people are more educated, they behave politely and wont simply throw rubbish every where.

Monday, September 14, 2009

MorNing MoRniNg~~~~~~

Sleep early and wake up early will be healthy to our health....soon after this i will start to practice this..i will change my schedule to sleep before 12am and wake up before 8.30pm...yoyoyoyo...u practices this will make u happier cause u won feel tired every day ones u wake up.....and u brain will be more fresh to do assign.. kampateh..need to continue last night work....

2moro is another day~~

ya what we always heard...2day is past 2moro is another day......few~~still hang with a lot of assign. DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING and DRAWING..............2day really very pity until no money for lunch!! and so touch until my friend herself i think also out of money already but still pay me her dept to u all so much...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Precedent Studies

start doing my precedent studies...i have done research on this few brands for my design retail outlet
1. Shu Uemura
2. Bobbi Brown
3. Dior
haven decide which one more suitable.....2moro going to show to lecturer to get some information...

Saturday, September 12, 2009


hahaha...influence by Yvonne!@#$%^&*()+_)(*&^%$@!
2day get a lot inspiration from Sunway pyramid and Pavillion...
hope that will help me on my design...