Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Writing Task 2


"If you could meet one important person during your stay in the United Kingdom, who would you choose it to be? Why? What advice would you offer them?"

Use specific examples to explain your choice.

An important person to me is someone that I would spend most of the time together and of course to be the important person, I hope we have the same approach towards life and understanding to each other. Is either a guy or a lady that does not matter, as long as we can tolerate to each other all the time. If I been given an opportunity to chose who would be the important person during the day I spend in United Kingdom, I would chose that someone who came from the same country as where I came from. Therefore, we would understand each other better and take care of each other during the stay in United Kingdom.

Living far apart from parent in the United Kingdom, I am sure that I need to overcome a lot of new challenges which I need to settle it all by myself. In the same time, friends will be the one I can rely on and give support to each other. Therefore, I hope the important person will be the one I can rely on and he or she will gives me advice whenever I do something wrong. Besides that, he or she has to be sincere, and accept all my weakness no matter I am fat or ugly, he or she still willing to be my important person.

As a friend I would advise them to appreciate the time we spend in the United Kingdom and do what we suppose to do as a student. Thus, living in the country like United Kingdom, I will offer him or her to blend into the British culture and lifestyle, like their foods, habits and even dressing myself in their typical British style. To be either the important person or not I will recommend them to explore Europe countries; like Venice in Italy, the beautiful city where Romeo meet Juliet which famous with it romantic story and other Europe countries like Copenhagen in Denmark, Paris in France, Berlin in German and etc.

In summaries, I do hope that someday I will meet someone that to be my important person trough out my stay in the United Kingdom and for the rest of my life. Thus, he or she will definitely make up my day in United Kingdom as we spend trough most of the time together, and I believe that sharing is a kind of blessing to us.

(405 words)

p.s** Let god decide for us who will be the important person in our life. =)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What am I going to be in 10 years time?

Currently I am in my 23 years old, single life and still pursuing my degree In Bachelor (Hons) in Interior Design. Future is about something that going to happen in time. By year 2021 will be 10 years after and I am going to be in my age of 33. In the mean time no one can be sure what going to happen in the future, as what people always use this quote “Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is what it is called the present” by Eleanor Roosevelt. Recently there is an issue about 2012, people was terrified with the coming of year 2012, which going to be the end of the world. Therefore, I came out with this topic, wondering what I am going to be, would I still alive or become a woman that success in her career or a full time house wife with lovely children and husband. However, I am going to plan out what I am going to do for this coming 10 years, as I believe that things would not be happen in a glimpse of an eye or thing would not be happen without any proper planning and let god decide for the rest of us.

First of all, Education is most important, just like building up a structure. Foundation was the most important part, without a good education’s background we need to start everything from the beginning. At the moment, all I need to do is to graduate and get my certificate and looks for a good job. Planning to further my study in United Kingdom was ongoing progress, as what I had plan is study 2 years and works to gain more experience before come back to my hometown and to set up my own design studio, which means enter to the final year for degree, then after that going to take another one year for master in urban development planning. Soon after graduate from master, involve to the industry and earn back some of the study expenses so at least what I gain back was not only knowledge yet experience and some income or modal for my future design studio. By the time, probably I should be in my age of 26 which means two years of studies and one year in the industry.

Next, I’m going to concern trade on my career, soon after settle up my career and of course I wish to meet with my Mr. Right and is time to plan for marriage, which consider as part of my responsibility toward my family, as what my mom always ask when can I get a good guy (future man) which can take care of the rest of my life so both of my mom and dad can finally release their burden on me. Just before I turn 30, I hope everything is on plan and just my age for marriage. After that, I’m going to look for investment properties, just as what my parent do. They invest their properties for the next generation, so as what they have works on will turn out a new leaf and the next generation would live better. As my intention is for my families as well, before that I would like to try my very best for my parent as they already take care of us for so long and is time to take care of them. Since my child’s age, me and my sibling was always like to travel with my family but my parent was always busy with their business and hardly got time to travel especially to overseas, so travel with my family was always part of my dream and if I got the ability I would like to bring my parent to travel all around the world.

Finally, to the age of 33 I want have my own Garden Boutique Café as one of my baby, the reason why it is a garden, boutique and café is because all of those was my favourite part in my life. I like gardening, cooking, eating, baking and of course shopping is every women favourite. As a designer I will design my own Garden Boutique Café for myself as a present to what I had been archive in 10 years from now. I will spent all of my time with travel for my boutique, eating and cooking or baking for my café and enjoy my life. That is what I mean by Life, works hard and play harder. As a conclusion, in 10 years time I want to archive what I had mention and start enjoy my life with my beloved family, husband and children.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

One Day In PTT

PTT : Pautuatien Sdn. Bhd.
Date : 09.04.2011

Daddy's factory !!

The Bulldozer...


Fish Trap !!


Rail Track..

place for poultry..


Quarters for workers..

One Beautiful Afternoon =)