Sunday, June 20, 2010

Midnight Song....

This midnight really feel so lonely only with the song of lullaby...physically is tired but still hang on with blogging and all those unnecessary stuff. My weekend is end up, tomorrow gonna go to work again and need to rush on with the current project =( but at least i learn out something.... One hour ago is Father's Day..and i did message my daddy wish him Happy Daddy days !! hahaha..what a lame here...

My internship gonna end up soon....I gonna miss the people in NEXUS IDEA CONSULTANCY...hehehe even we just a colleague but sincerely from my heart i really appreciate the time we been through =) Even some are really annoy but this is life...from there i learn out a lot of thing, I know is kinda test for me either bad or good i will just appreciate it. Thank You !!! Today is 21.06.2010 Monday 1.09am... means that i left 41 days to go...hahaha..

Report have to start soon...gonna prepare a lot of information for it. Beside that, my final project for the coming semester have to finalize it, i have no idea what to do and i need to get approval from the authority. Have to start brain storming as well...erm what can i do leh ?? Any idea ??

Alright~ that's all for today...really need to go to bed. Tomorrow gonna wake up early to work..good night and have a sweet dream.

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