Friday, May 14, 2010

For Myself..

Dear Darling,

Everything is over now !! Let's go and think something new !! something that more challenging...hehehe..i don know what m i doing to do, but i'm sure that's VERY VERY fun de...hahaha...I think I have put some off now cause i believe i can meet some one that much much better and I'm sure i will LOVE him more then HIM !!!

Now what's only in my mind is enjoy and happy~~ others i don care...So sudden i miss the moment i spent time with friends with all those nonsense stuff..hehehehe...we play till very late night and get scolded after back home...haha...and all this will become the sweetest memory for us...=)..

This few week i learn a lots and getting more clear to what's the reality of this world. Some people haven clear with that, but they will know one day. Some say "they will never learn if we guide them every times" Now i understand why?? u never feel it, u will never understand !! Is unexplainable...hehe..worth it worth it...anyways this is what we call LIFE...

What ever i do, it's all for myself.Don be guilty..just go a head !! I know YOU scare of my feeling..don worry !! i will accept the TRUTH... what i can say is just time will prove everything...I don wan to lost the opportunity to be myself.. But just remind don try my your stage in my heart still not that worse.

No one going to stop me!!! I wan means i wan..i don wan means i really don wan. anyway tonight i'm going to have FUN with my friends. HehE.. my happiness is not belong to you anymore... U can go and find your own happiness. Dun aspect i'm going to share it with you anymore...

I decide to step out cause i believe this is good for all of us~~ What's going to happen in future we just let god decide for us =) As i go my own way U go ur own way.




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