Sunday, May 2, 2010

love is hurt instead of sweet

Is this call Love ?? cause it's always hurt my feeling, i don know why it's always like that, shouldn't it to be sweet and full of happiness ?? how come it doesn't come to me. why should i learn it in this way.

I think people around us is getting more clearer. I also start to feel scare cause it's like i'm going to lose, what should i do ?? can i face it ?? Getting more and more question mark in my mind.

Will time really prove something ? I don dare to take the risk. How come i will become such a useless person. Even this morning i know some one is trying to tell me something but i try to ignore his question and i don wan to face it.

Anyway, i will try to respect what ever decision that u made, and i will try to disappear from all of u..i know is stupid but what i does is to protect myself of getting been hurt. I'm so sorry.

Ng Lian Hwa !!!! Fighting u can do it !!

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