Monday, May 31, 2010

Here is ur Answer...

When you're not in mood I can know that..
But why when Im sad or moody you cant feel that?

U don even know what is my mood so don say you know that and
yesterday you are not in mood i really don know, as what i know i don like see people with moody face so I'm trying to make u happy but in the end you run away.
And U mention that is not the first time but did u ever told me that ?
Anyways, I just can say SORRY here since that u don wan to face me with this problem.

Sometime something I dont want to do but I know you want it for long time already..
I just accompany you lar..
At least you're happy
Its better then both are unhappy mah..
For example lar..
That day we went to Poppy..
Actually Im super duper sleepy and tired and moodless..
But I see you so high how I dare to make you down..

Here I tell u something. I hate people trying pity me or actually u not willingly do it but u just do it. Please next time if u really don wan please tell me, i don wan feel like I'm forcing u to do all those.

Tell you what..
Even you always say you're not love him
You dont want to love him..
It cant make the reality changed or make you lose all the feeling..

I admit that i still Love him, but as to comfort myself and let myself not to think of him this is my way to settle the feeling in my heart, what else can i do ? I'm not U... as u mention that is ur own way and here i can tell u back this is my way but this not means i don wan to accept the truth.

Every times when you're not in mood you scold me..

I'm very very very SORRY !!! Sorry for everything. I don means to hurt U..

But Im curious why when Im not in mood
You scold me but not comfort me..

Sorry..Sorry...Sorry...I don understand U....but i can tell u why i din comfort u cz i don wan u to put more hope on him. If this way is not correct then i really i been hurt b4 and i don wan same thing happen to u, but seem like the situation is different then i only can say SO SORRY !!!

Know why every time I've something I didnt tell you at first?
Because I scare you scold me lar..

Now i know...Thanks for letting me know...and just to inform u if u did something wrong i will tell u and if u think i'm scolding u for fun, i don know what can i say beside sorry to hurt U....

Last time you asked me dont shake my legs..
I said you also shaking your legs..
And you said because you're listening to the songs..
And I was too..

Sorry again...i know u not satisfied cause that day i say u like that...ok fine...the reason i ask u don shake ur leg is for ur own good... as i'm also do that but i also don like it cz my parents told me that shaking leg is not a good habit, but sometimes my daddy also do it but i din blame him cz i know it's a habit, but i still understand why he don like me to do that. If u really not satisfied what i say here, then u can just ignore it and continue the way u like.

Whatever I say for you its wrong..

I just give my advice i never say U are wrong, just u don wan to accept what m i saying. If i really do that, Sorry again....

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