Monday, May 10, 2010


Hooray now i'm free....i know i already done something that a friend should not do...but all this i do is for the person i care....a friend that doesn't care how his or her friend feeling we should not care for useless !!! In the end u will just get HURT.... I don know how much she care for me but i already done my part; given her a chances; let her express her feeling so i can understand what she is thinking; be very very nice to her even i'm not feeling good with her; thinking for her everyday even i cry for her; tell her what ever she done wrong but seem like useless; thinking give her another chances but all i get are disappointed . I'm SO HAPPY meet this kind of friend; even now i feel guilty after telling people her bad stories !!! I hope YOU will get ur lesson. i'm not going to helps u out !!!! TAKE CARE la....

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