Tuesday, May 4, 2010


OMG what had happen to me...y so sudden i think of that, it's makes me feel so scare. I hope tomorrow i won see him in campus. Pray Pray Pray...still not the right time to meet you. Please don let me meet u. Huh~~

What should i do if i meet u ? Should i say Hi ? Or should i just act normal or just run away ?? Haihz.. y m i so stupid le... Pretend !!!! JUST PRETEND.
I know i can do it.....

Don't be scare Lian Hwa...u still have so many friend with u. Everything will be alright....

Everyone have their own priority. Just respect the decision. The only thing now is don think of him anymore concern more on your own work. Work Work Work...then u will forget everything. Argh.....still the same shit, ones i think tonight i'm going to be alone i will start thinking again.

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