Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Story...

The story start in an afternoon, a girl receive a message from a guy who's also studying in the same campus as where the girl study. This guy came from the same hometown as where this girl came. Surprisingly the girl and the boy's friend mostly know each other but there don know each other till one day the both of them been invited to one of their friend birthday party and that guy saw the girl on that day but the girl din even realize the existing of that guy and the girl also did get a change to know that guy on that day. The worse part is the girl only realize the exist of that guy after that guy told the girl trough phone.

And the story begin here, one day that guy wanted to know that girl, so he get her Face book trough his friends profile and he start sending her message, when after the girl realize that there is a friend who's actually so near with her but she din even know him until that guy told her. Day by day and time by time, both of this girl and guy actually staying very near to each other but they never meet each other in their hometown.

Date, 03 Jan 2010, that girl back to KL.

The relationship between this girl and that guy is getting closer. As they already start chatting in msn, one day that guy ask for that girl phone no. so the girl gave him her no. and directly that guy start calling that girl and they start chatting to each other trough phone. Both of them start knowing each other, as that guy start telling his story and how was his life.

By the time, the girl was in KL and that guy was still at his hometown. They never meet each other till 25.02.2010 which was the campus registration day. This girl was so excited to meet that guy cause they never get to meet each other in their hometown and they only see trough each other photo trough their Face book profile. Finally, they manage to meet each other in the bursary hall where the girl queuing for the school fee payment.

Then after the girl settle everything in campus, she felt a little boring so she and her friend plan to go for a drink so did the girl message that guy to ask him join them as well.

All of them really spent their precious time chit chat, making jokes and telling about all those funny story. Start from that day, both of them know each other friends, so every time they meet up sure they will bring up their friend as well. This girl getting more friends and she felt very happy and every day she wanted to meet them at least a dinner or a drink.

Before this guy came to KL, he try to approach to this girl but this girl never start a relationship with any guy before so she ask that guy why did he wan to be with her even he haven know her well yet, and that guy answer " we must give each other a chance so that they can know each other more", the girl din give any respond she just wan to be friend with him first cause she is still considering whether that guy is making fun or he really means it.

One day, the girl saw that guy kissing another girl photo in Face book she start guessing and thinking maybe that guy just wanna have fun so she also din ask that guy who's that girl but in a very natural way the guy told that girl about his ex girl friend's story and he also tell about what happen to him during his birthday.

Almost everyday they meet up and this girl start to get into his life and start giving both of them a chance to understand each other more. Till the day 15 March 2010 until 30 March 2010, this girl went to London and she start realize how much she miss that guy, where ever she go she will think of him. And of course she bought back something for him and his friends as well. =) be continue......................

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