Monday, May 24, 2010

this girl and that guy...

Just that night this girl arrive KL, she go and meet up with that guy and their friends as well. Seem like nothing have change just like usual eat dinner then chit chat then go home. Till one day the girl felt something wrong but she ignore all of those cause she know she can't change anything. She felt that guy has change, like he's not interested with this girl anymore, in the other hand that guy have feeling with her friend.

But this girl didn't accept the truth and continue hang out with them and continue believe that they have nothing. Beside just go for drink or dinner they also go for movie and clubbing.

Since she felt something wrong she always predict something going to be chance and continue putting hopes, even every times that guy will call to this girl's friend mobile phone to look for her friends, but this girl gives herself a reason that she don care who's he calling as soon as she can meet up with him.

This girl getting more clearer and clearer and she start jealous with her friends. Every times that she hopes something but in return she get disappointments. She start felt that she is the extra between both of her friend and that guy so she decide try to chase back his heart. But this girl don have any experience on handling such kind of situation and this only make her felt even suffered, till one day her friend went back to her hometown, this girl take this advantage to spend time with that guy without her friend.

Both of them went for a dinner party at One Utama to celebrate his friends birthday. That night this girl really appreciate all the time she been trough with that guy cause she knew she have to give up on him already, and she knew even her friend not beside that guy but her friends was still always keep in touch with him and her friends know everything what have they been through . The next day morning, this girl still wanna meet that guy again and this time, this girl really felt that she was extra and she was so embarrassing when she went to that guy house and his friend like tried to tell her something but she pretend that she didn't listen anything.

After few day, this girl realize a lot. She realize that even she got that guy but not his heart is meaningless.

-to be continue-

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